Lead Story

Landmark Concourt Judgement Must Serve as a Turning Point against “Bulldozer Justice” and in...

ZIMBABWE Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) welcomes the Constitutional Court (ConCourt)’s judgement outlawing “bulldozer justice”, where-in some local authorities, had for several years inflicted...

Press statements / Alerts

Rigorous Bail Conditions for King Munhumutapa over Mnangagwa Insult

A ZIMBABWEAN court has set free Timothy Chiminya, a traditional leader, who had spent more than one month in prison after he was arrested...

ZLHR Condemns Failure to Put in Place Measures to Contain Cholera Outbreaks

ZIMBABWE Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) implores central government and local authorities to contain the outbreak and spread of cholera in Zimbabwe this rainy season. Zimbabwe...

Media & Blogging

ZLHR Condemns Endemic Defiance of Court Orders

ZIMBABWE Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) is perturbed by the endemic defiance of court orders by the government and some state actors, which entrenches a culture...

Opposition Leaders, Residents Set Free Over Attempted Murder Charges

HARARE Magistrate Estere Chivasa has set free two opposition political party leaders and two Harare residents, who were being prosecuted for allegedly committing attempted...

Defective Flyovers Under Spotlight in High Court Lawsuit

HIGH Court Judge Justice Never Katiyo will on Tuesday 14 January 2025 preside over hearing and determination of an application filed by some Harare...


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To protect and defend human rights through sustainable litigation, education and advocacy which contributes positively to a culture of tolerance and adherence to democratic values and practices.